Anti-snoring/sleep apnoea devices

Is snoring keeping you or your loved one up at night or do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea? Our team can help! At Yorkshire Orthodontics we offer custom-made anti-snoring devices to help you sleep soundly.

It is important to ensure that a correct diagnosis of any obstructive sleep apnoea is advised. Onward referral for a sleep study may be required. Yorkshire Orthodontics partner, Andrew Shelton works as part of a sleep team within the hospital system. He can use this knowledge and experience to help people with snoring/apnoea issues and the referral process. 

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Anti-snoring/sleep apnoea devices

What causes obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring?

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a serious condition which occurs when the throat muscles relax and completely close the airway at various intervals during sleep. Sufferers can experience debilitating side effects including feeling exhausted and increased tendency to doze off as well as an inability to concentrate.

Snoring happens when your airways are constricted. When you are sleeping, your soft palate sometimes relaxes and restricts your airflow. As you draw air in, this relaxed soft palate vibrates, which causes a snoring sound. Luckily, anti-snoring devices can help.

What causes obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring?

Obstructive sleep apnoea/ anti-snoring devices

Obstructive sleep apnoea/ anti-snoring devices look a bit like sports mouthguards. They are custom-made to fit your exact smile, and to reposition your lower jaw so that your airways stay open while you sleep. This can significantly reduce snoring.

We use the MSi appliance (Mandibular Snoring Inhibitor) which provides an effective treatment for snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. 

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Obstructive sleep apnoea/ anti-snoring devices

How to get started with Obstructive sleep apnoea/anti-snoring devices

If you are interested in obstructive sleep apnoea/anti-snoring devices, you can book an appointment at any of our locations in Yorkshire. We can determine what device might work for you, and get you fitted for your custom-made anti-snoring device.

How to get started with Obstructive sleep apnoea/anti-snoring devices

Get a sound night’s sleep

Book a consultation with Yorkshire Orthodontics to find out if our devices are right for you or your loved one.

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